Report to Mayor and City Council
Tuesday, June 06, 2023
Project No.1368: Carriage Crest Park Expansion and Improvements Project is one of the 5-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects.
On October 21, 2022, Public Works Engineering through the Purchasing Department issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) 26-026 seeking professional landscape architectural and engineering services to complete the plans, specifications and estimates for Project No. 1368- Carriage Crest Park Expansion and Improvements Project.
The RFP was advertised on Planet Bids and three firms submitted their proposals by the due date of December 8, 2022. The proposals were reviewed by a panel of city staff independently and the scores were combined and place on the ranking list for this project. The most qualified firm was determined to be RJM Design Group, Inc.
Staff originally brought this item to City Council for approval of a Professional Services Agreement with RJM Design, Inc., on February 21, 2023, and City Council approved the agreement. However, due to an oversight by staff and although the contract attached to the staff report reflected the correct amount, the City Council approved a contract amount of $271,966.00 (this amount only covers design cost for park expansion) rather than the correct amount of $904,455, which includes the cost of the modernization component inclusive of a new community center and gymnasium.
Staff recommends that the City Council rescinds, revokes and makes invalid its February 21, 2023, award of Professional Services Agreement with RJM Design Group for a not to exceed amount of $271,966, and instead, award a contract to RJM Design Group for a sum not to exceed $904,455 (Exhibit No. 1).
Take the following actions:
1. RESCIND, REVOKE and MAKE INVALID its February 21, 2023, award of Professional Services Agreement with RJM Design Group for a not-to-exceed amount of $271,966.
2. APPROVE a Professional Service Agreement with RJM Design Group, Inc. for professional landscape architectural and engineering services to complete the plans, specifications and estimates for Project No. 1368 - Carriage Crest Park Expansion and Improvements Project for a not-to-exceed amount of $904,455.
3. AUTHORIZE the Mayor to execute the Professional Services Agreement following approval as to form by the City Attorney.
1. DO NOT APPROVE the Professional Services Agreement.
2. Take another action the City Council deems appropriate consistent with the requirements of the Law.
Project No. 1368 - Carriage Crest Park Expansion and Improvements Project is listed in the City’s Capital Improvement Program. The project consists of the refurbishment of the existing main building facility and development of additional 10 acres of land leased from the County Sanitation District. The proposed project includes new playground, outdoor fitness equipment area, new athletic ball fields with security lights, upgrades to existing basketball courts, and general site improvements including walking/jogging loop. It also includes extending existing parking lot, adding a new parking lot, dog park, and restroom on the south east end of the property. Funding for this project comes from the California Department of Parks and Recreation, and Prop 68 Funds. (Exhibit No. 2)
In light of the need for specialized professional assistance to complete the plans, specifications and estimates for the design and construction of Project No. 1368 - Carriage Crest Park Expansion and Improvements Project, staff solicited proposals from qualified architectural firms by way of an RFP posted on planet bids from October 21, 2022 to December 8, 2022. Three proposals were received which were reviewed and scored by four City staff members. The scores were collected and compiled, and the most qualified consultant was determined to be RJM Design Group, Inc.
The three submitting firms are listed below in the order in which they were ultimately ranked, with number 1 being the highest ranked firm:
Firm Place of Business
1. RJM Design Group, Inc. San Juan Capistrano, CA
2. RHA Landscape Architects Planners, Inc. Riverside, CA
3. Gruen Associates Los Angeles, CA
The evaluations and rankings were performed based on demonstrated competence, the professional qualifications necessary for satisfactory performance of the required services, and a fair and reasonable price, in accordance with Section 2611(c) of the CMC.
On February 7, 2023 a Notice of Intent to award a Professional Services Contract was sent to RJM Design Group, Inc. The other participating firms were also notified of this intent on the same date.
RJM was established in 1987 and has evolved into a multi-disciplinary landscape architectural, planning and design firm. RJM has teamed up with a variety of other professionals to provide support in Architecture, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Utility Planning. RJM has designed numerous projects in size and scope of the Carriage Crest Park Expansion and Improvements Project, including parks in Lake Forest, Huntington Beach, and Long Beach. RJM’s cost proposal is within industry standards for a project this size, and considering the complexity of Carriage Crest Park Expansion and Improvements project.
Grant Funds from the California Department of Parks and Recreation, and Prop 68 will be used to develop and complete the project. Below is the completed and anticipated timeline to complete the plans, specifications, and estimate for this project.
Issue of RFP………………………………………………October 27, 2022
Proposals Due…………………………………………….December 8, 2022
Award of Contract to Consultant……………………… June 6, 2023
Complete PS&E for plan check submittal……………...February 2024
Staff originally brought this item for approval of a Professional Services Agreement with RJM Design, Inc., to City Council, on February 21, 2023 and City Council approved the agreement. However, due to an oversight by staff and although the contract attached to the staff report reflected the correct amount, the City Council approved a contract amount of $271,966.00 (this amount only covers design cost for park expansion) rather than the correct amount of $904,455, which includes the cost of the modernization component inclusive of a new community center and gymnasium.
The corrected amount does not change the scoring. RJM’s proposal was lower than the other bidders. The corrected amount is within industry standard for a project of this size and complexity.
Staff recommends that the City Council rescind, revoke and make invalid its February 21, 2023, award of Professional Services Agreement with RJM Design Group for a not to exceed amount of $271,966, and instead, award a contract for a sum not to exceed $904,455.
The proposed not-to-exceed fee for this project is $904,455.00. Funds for this project were included in the FY22/23 Budget, and this project was included in the Capital Improvement Program. Grant fund in the amount of $13M has been granted by the California Department of Parks and Recreation, Office of Grants and Local Services (OGALS)for this improvement. An additional $3 million has been earmarked from the general fund reserved.
1) Agreement with RJM Design Group, Inc. (pgs. 5 - 45)
2) Grant Contract_ Carriage Crest Park (pgs. 46 - 54)
Prepared by: Gilbert Marquez, P.E City Engineer and Kenneth Young P.E. Senior Civil Engineer