Report to Mayor and City Council
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Public Works is requesting City Council approval to purchase the following vehicles and equipment listed below. These vehicles and equipment have been identified and prioritized as critically necessary for the Public Works team to continue to provide the best service and to do so safely and efficiently. The vehicles and equipment have been prioritized based on maintenance costs, risk of current equipment/vehicle failure, and current shortages in equipment and vehicles that prevent staff from operating efficiently and effectively. All vehicles and equipment to be purchased would be procured via cooperative purchasing through Sourcewell’s programs.
Vehicles Requesting to Purchase
• 2023 Ford Explorer SUV (1)
• 2023 Ford Transit T-250 Vans (2)
• Ford Super Duty F-450 Truck w/ Roadline TPMT Stencil Truck Body (1)
• 2023 Freightliner 114SD Dump Truck (1)
• 2023 F-150 SuperCrew Pickups (2)
Equipment Requesting to Purchase
• 2023 CAT GC35K6 Forklift (1)
• 2022 John Deere 1200A Bunker and Field Rakes (4)
Some of the vehicles that are being replaced with newer vehicles will be auctioned and will provide additional revenues for the City. The total amount requested for all vehicles and equipment is $810,380.14.
TAKE the following actions:
1. WAIVE the formal bidding procedures as defined by the Carson Municipal Code, Section 2610, and AUTHORIZE the Purchasing Manager pursuant to Section 2611 (g) to utilize cooperative purchasing to procure the following:
a. from National Auto Fleet Group (through Sourcewell-Contract #091521-NAF) for the purchase of (1) 2023 Ford Explorer SUV, (2) Ford F-150 XL 4WD SuperCrew Trucks, (2) Ford T-250 Transit Vans, and (1) Ford Super Duty F-450 Truck w/ Roadline TPMT Stencil Truck Body; and from National Auto Fleet Group (through Sourcewell Contract #060920-NAF) for (1) 2023 Freightliner 114SD Dump Truck, for a total of $682,888.14. (Exhibit 1)
b. from Equipment Depot, as an authorized Mitsubishi Logisnext Americas (Houston) dealer through (Sourcewell-Contract #091520-MCF) for the purchase of (1) 2023 CAT GC35K6 Forklift in the amount of $55,999.23. (Exhibit 2)
c. from Stotz Equipment, as an authorized Deere and Company dealer through (Sourcewell #031121-DAC) for the purchase of (4) 2022 John Deere 1200A Bunker and Field Rakes in the amount of $71,492.77. (Exhibit 3)
1. DO NOT WAIVE the formal bid process.
2. DO NOT WAIVE the formal contracting process.
3. DO NOT AUTHORIZE the Purchasing Manager to utilize Cooperative Purchasing, as allowed by Section 2611 (g), and issue a purchase order.
4. TAKE another action the City Council deems appropriate, and consistent with the requirements of the law.
Section 2611(g) of the City’s Municipal Code (“CMC”) allows City, through its Purchasing Manager, to dispense with competitive bidding processes to purchase materials, supplies, equipment, or services by utilizing a cooperative purchasing program engaged in by any local, county, State, or Federal public entity or entities, even if the contracts and implementing agreements entered into by the participating entity or association under those cooperative purchasing programs were not entered into pursuant to a process that resulted in the contract being awarded to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder under CMC 2610(i); provided, that the selected bidder was selected in compliance with the competitive bidding or proposal process requirements of any participating entity or association within three years of City’s approval of the City contract entered into with the selected bidder via cooperative purchasing. The City Council has made a determination that the benefits to City of utilizing cooperative purchasing outweigh any incremental higher price that may be paid by City in certain instances as a result of not soliciting directly utilizing the lowest responsible and responsive bidder standard under CMC 2610(i).
Sourcewell is a cooperative purchasing agency established to allow participating municipal agencies to reduce the cost of procurement by leveraging the benefits of contract purchasing. Through solicitations, Sourcewell contracts bring considerable value and efficiencies to members through nationally leveraged contracted suppliers with access to the highest quality products and brands. Each solicitation and RFP contain language, which includes all qualified customers in all fifty states. Sourcewell contract purchasing solutions are reviewed by the Sourcewell Board of Directors and awarded on the members' behalf. The City of Carson (ID# 38521) is a member of Sourcewell. All purchases of the items listed below are proposed to be purchased through Sourcewell.
With ‘Greening the Fleet” a priority for the City all attempts have been made to procure low- and/or zero-emission vehicles and equipment in each application. Currently due to either supply chain issues or vehicle/equipment configurations not every vehicle or piece of equipment was able to be specified with alternate fuel or zero-emission powertrains. Staff will be requesting approval to purchase Ford Lightning EX Pickups during the second phase of purchases, which will be presented to the City Council later this fiscal year as quotes for Ford Lightnings become available in the next 4-6 months.
Vehicles Proposed for Purchase
1. 2023 Ford Explorer SUV (1) for a total of $42,905.48
This vehicle will be purchased to replace an existing unit #1259, a 2010 Ford Ranger. The Ranger has reached the end of its useful service life and is being replaced with a more fuel-efficient vehicle. The continued use of this older vehicle is not cost-efficient at this point, and newer vehicles also produce lower exhaust emissions. The new vehicle being requested has a service life of approximately 20 years, and 60,000 miles. Any worn items not covered by the manufacturer’s warranty (wipers, brakes, tires) will be replaced in-house by the staff of the Public Works Fleet Maintenance Division. If this item is approved, the existing is vehicle (vehicle #1259) will be auctioned once the new equipment is received. Alternate fuel & EV models are not available for this make & model presently.
2. 2023 Ford F-150 SuperCrew Pickups (2) for a total of $115,422.48
The City of Carson maintains a variety of right-of-way infrastructure including 203 lane-miles pavement, traffic markings and striping, sidewalk maintenance and replacement, traffic signage, removal of debris and illegally dumped items and graffiti abatement.
The Public Works Department maintains a fleet of vehicles that is used for the provision of daily maintenance and operations services in support of the City maintaining a high level of service. Purchasing 2 new 2023 Ford F-150 SuperCrew Pickups will be a significant addition to the City’s fleet which are needed to ensure current and future maintenance levels. Crew Cab models also enable the department to better utilize their assets by accommodating more employees per vehicle. Alternate fuel & EV models are not available for this make & model presently.
The City’s existing equipment fleet consists of many Ford-branded equipment, and Ford equipment has proven to be reliable and cost effective over its lifetime.
3. 2023 Ford Transit T-250 Vans (2) for a total of $104,964.56
The purchase of these vehicles for Public Works is recommended to remedy the current vehicle shortage for Public Works LBM Custodial staff resulting from several new positions being filled. The new vehicles being requested have a service life of approximately 20 years. All new vehicles will be covered under the manufacturer’s warranty of 5 years, and 60,000 miles. Any worn items not covered by the manufacturer’s warranty (wipers, brakes, tires) will be replaced in-house by the staff of the Public Works Fleet Maintenance Division. Alternate fuel & EV models are not available for this make & model at this time.
4. Ford Super Duty F-450 Truck w/ Roadline TPMT Stencil Truck Body (1) for a total of $178,129.90
The Public Works Department maintains a fleet of vehicles that are used for the provision of daily maintenance and operations services in support of the City. Replacement of worn-out equipment is part of the ongoing effort to maintain fleet reliability and sustainability. By replacing vehicles and equipment at the end of their useful life, the City reduces maintenance and repair costs, decreases downtime, and increases safety.
The Public Works Street Markings Crew is responsible for maintaining 100,000 linear feet of red curbs, 5,000 linear feet of blue curbs, and 477-speed bumps, as well as the parking lots, crosswalks, and stop bars at all City facilities. The vehicle to be replaced is a 2001 Ford F-450 Truck w/ Stencil Truck Body (#911) with 100k miles on the odometer. It has reached the end of its service life.
The vehicle specifications are specific to Roadline Products, this truck is a specialty-built item, and there are no local Carson vendors which could be utilized. The existing vehicle is diesel-powered; the replacement vehicle will be gasoline powered. Alternate fuel & EV models are not available for this make & model at this time. If this item is approved, the existing equipment (vehicle #911) will be auctioned once the new equipment is received.
5. 2023 Freightliner 114SD Dump Truck (1) for a total of $241,465.72
The Public Works Tree Crew currently utilizes one dump truck to perform tree maintenance duties daily. The dump truck is vital to the operation of trimming trees safely and efficiently. Using this equipment enables the crew members to transport material and debris produced from the tree trimming operations from the work sight to the refuse vendor. The current unit #1162 has been in service since 2007 and it is gasoline powered. The recommended replacement vehicle is a low-emission CNG-powered vehicle. Replacing vehicles and equipment on a timely schedule reduces ongoing maintenance and repair costs while also decreasing downtime. The availability of this piece of equipment is crucial for keeping the City’s tree maintenance program operational.
An estimate for this equipment was prepared for the City on March 20, 2022. The price for a new CNG-powered 2023 Freightliner 114 SD Dump Truck is $241,465.72. Velocity Freightliner is located here in the City of Carson. Freightliner vehicles have proven to be reliable and cost-effective. EV models are not available for this make & model at this time.
Equipment Proposed for Purchase
6. 2023 CAT GC35K6 Forklift (1) for a total of $55,999.23
The Public Works Warehouse Staff utilizes a material-handling forklift as part of their regular daily activities. Staff uses a forklift to transport bulky heavy materials and items safely and efficiently. Without the use of a forklift, they cannot perform their regular duties. The existing forklift #928 is a 2001 Daewoo with over 5000 hours of usage, and this unit has reached the end of its service life and is becoming less dependable and more problematic. The new replacement forklift has a minimum service life of 20 years. This equipment is an alternative-fuel vehicle using propane as the fuel source.
An estimate for this equipment was prepared for the City on March 20, 2022. The price for a new 2023 CAT GC35K6 7,000 LB Capacity LP Cushion Tire Lift Truck is $55,999.23. The City’s existing equipment fleet consists of several CAT-branded equipment. CAT equipment has proven to be reliable and cost-effective over its lifetime.
There are no CAT Lift Truck dealerships located in Carson and Equipment Depot Inc. in Whittier, California is the closest CAT Lift Trucks, distributor. The new replacement is an alternative-fuel piece of equipment using propane as the fuel source.
7. 2022 John Deere 1200A Bunker and Field Rakes (4) for total of $71,492.77
The City of Carson is responsible for the maintenance of 21 baseball diamonds throughout 10 city parks. Through normal use ruts develop around the bases and uneven areas caused by extensive play or weather events The John Deere 1200A Bunker and Field rakes will be utilized to prepare, maintain, and restore City ball fields to a play-ready condition. The 4 John Deere 1200A Bunker and Field Rakes will augment the 2 bunker and field rakes already in the City’s fleet.
An estimate for this equipment was prepared for the City on October 4, 2022. The price for 4 new 2022 John Deere 1200A Bunker and Field Rakes is $71,492.77. The City’s existing equipment fleet consists of several John Deere branded equipment, and John Deere equipment has proven to be reliable and cost-effective over its lifetime.
Finally, it should also be noted that Section 2605(b) of the CMC requires City to enter a contract for purchases of any personal property, including materials, supplies, and equipment, of $25,000 or more over a fiscal year, unless the City Manager (as Purchasing Manager) waives this requirement. The City Manager has waived such contract requirement for each of the purchases described in this report.
Funds for these purchases were not budgeted in the FY 2022-2023 Vehicles/Rolling Inventory Fund-638. The total cost of the purchases is $810,380.14 plus a 10% contingency of $81,038.01 to accommodate current market fluctuations, internal processing times, and any necessary accessories/ packages. If approved, staff requests the funding to be appropriated from the unreserved, undesignated general fund balance in the amount of $891,418.15.
1. Quotation/Equipment Specifications from National Auto Fleet Group (pgs. 7-16)
2. Quotation/Equipment Specifications from Equipment Depot (pgs. 17-22)
3. Quotation/Equipment Specifications from Stotz Equipment (pgs. 23-24)
4. Resolution No. 22-091, A Resolution of the City of Carson City Council Amending the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Budget in the General Fund. (pgs. 25-26)
Prepared by: Veronica Rodriguez, Right of Way Superintendent
Freddy Loza, Landscape & Building Maintenance Superintendent