Report to Mayor and City Council
Tuesday, October 03, 2023
Project No.1718: James Anderson Park Accessibility Upgrades are listed in the City’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The project includes limited accessibility upgrades compliance, concrete reconstruction, asphalt concrete pavement reconstruction, new curbs, steps, and added walkways (Exhibit No.1). The improvements will enhance the entry way into the Parks and Recreation Activity Room and Amphitheatre Building and will comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. (ADA).
The Invitation for Bids (IFB) No. 23-07 was advertised in the Daily Journal, and through the PlanetBids portal from April 20, 2023, to May 18, 2023. Five firms submitted bids which were opened by the Purchasing Division Manager in the City Clerk’s office and read aloud on May 18, 2023; the bid submitted by Bedrock was determined to be the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, with a total bid amount of $1,688,094.25.
This project is anticipated to be funded through the Development Impact Fund (DIF) and using Quimby Park Improvement (Quimby) Funds.
Staff is requesting the City Council to award a Construction Contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Bedrock Group, Inc., in the amount not to exceed $1,688,094.25 (Exhibit No. 2), and an additional contingency amount of $168,809.43, bringing the total project amount including the 10% contingency to $1,856,903.68.
TAKE the following actions:
1. APPROVE the Plans, Specifications and Estimate for Project No.1718: James Anderson Park, Accessibility Upgrades.
2. AWARD a Construction Contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Bedrock Group, Inc. for Project No. 1718: James Anderson Park Accessibility Upgrades, in an amount not to exceed $1,688,094.25.
3. AUTHORIZE the expenditure of construction contingencies in the amount of $168,809.43 (10%) for any unforeseen construction work such as substructure conflicts, contaminated soil removal and disposal, material testing, and other additional work the City may request as appropriate that may be necessary to complete this project.
4. AUTHORIZE the Mayor to execute a Construction Contract with Bedrock Group Inc. following approval as to form by the City Attorney.
1. DO NOT APPROVE the award of a Construction Contract to Bedrock Group, Inc.
2. TAKE another action that the City Council deems appropriate consistent with the requirements of the law.
Project No. 1718: James Anderson Park Accessibility Upgrades, is listed in the City’s CIP and is programmed for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023/24 funded by DIF and Quimby funds. The project includes the removal and replacement of asphalt pavement adjacent to the accessible parking stalls, construction of ramps, walkway, and reconstruction of concrete paths and pavement in front of the existing Parks and Recreation Activity Room and Amphitheatre building to comply with the requirements of the ADA.
The City released IFB No. 23-07 and the project was advertised on PlanetBids and in Daily Journal for construction bid from April 20, 2023 to May 18, 2023.
Five bids were received and were opened by the Purchasing Division Manager in the City Clerk’s office and read aloud on May 18, 2023. Bedrock Group Inc.’s bid was determined to be the lowest responsive and responsible bidder with a total bid in the amount of $1,688,094.25.
The bid results are listed below:
No. Bidder Place of Business Bid Amount
1 Bedrock La Canada, CA $1,688,094.25
2 CWS Systems Inc. Pasadena, CA $1,801,865.10
3 BI Tech Buena Park, CA $1,936,340.25
4 C.S. Legacy Walnut, CA $2,281,943.71
5 Legion Contractors, Inc Irvine, CA $2,478,739.00
Bedrock Group, Inc. is a bonafide contractor licensed by the State of California. The bid bond, in the amount of 10% of the total bid, as supplied by Developers Surety and Indemnity Company, is in order, and was submitted with the bid. The contractor’s references have been checked, and it has been verified that the contractor has completed similar projects in an acceptable manner.
The approximate timeline of this project is as follows:
Advertise for Construction Bid April 20, 2023
Bid Opening May 18, 2023
Approval of PS&E and Award of Contract October 3, 2023
Contract Execution November 6,2023
PO Issuance November 20, 2023
Start Construction January 2024
Complete Construction April 2024
The project may experience delay depending on weather conditions and other unknown items and staff may have to adjust the schedule accordingly. Staff requests that the City Council award a construction contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Bedrock Group inc., in the amount of 1,688,094.25 and authorize a 10% construction contingency of $168,809.43 for a total amount of $1,856,903.68.
The total construction bid amount for this improvement project is $1,688,094.25. A construction contingency in the amount of $168,809.43, representing 10% of the total construction bid, is requested for any unforeseen construction work and additional work the City may request as appropriate that may be required to complete this project. The total project cost including the 10% contingency is $1,856,903.68.
Funds in the amount of $222,000 were budgeted for FY 2023/24 from Quimby Fund Account No. 216-80-820-904-8008, upon adoption of the CIP at the City Council Meeting held on June 20, 2023. A staff report requesting an amendment to the CIP FY 2023/24 budget is concurrently scheduled for the City Council Meeting to be held on October 3, 2023, to amend the budgeted amount and allocate $1,200,000 from DIF Fund Account No. 289-80-820-288-8019, and $434,903.68 from DIF Fund Account No. 289-80-820-288-8009.
1. Plans and Park Upgrades (pgs. 4 - 27)
2. Construction Contract (pgs. 28 - 64)
3. Bid Line Items (pgs. 65 - 69)
4. Project Bid Submittal (pgs. 70-154)
5. Specifications (pgs. 155-1055)
Prepared by: Arlington Rodgers, Jr., Director of Public Works and Gilbert Marquez, P.E. City Engineer